
Saturday, December 10, 2011

Fall 2011 ARGH

Fall 2011 was probably one of the biggest and best ARGHs we've had!!  It's always a treat to have Halloween with tons of unschooling families running around from cabin to cabin, the costumes were awesome and the treats delicious!!  We went back to our original and more affordable 3 night stay on the mountain and boy did we have a turn out!  All the cabins were full of happy unschoolers doing their thing.  We had the usual workshops, ARGHpreneur shop, potluck, talent show and dance (best dance we've had so far with the new sound system and even LIGHTS brought in at the last minute by Dennis Wolf) as well as lots of impromptu gatherings and jam sessions.  There was pumpkin carving, massage, book swaps, henna, juicing, making costumes for dolls, Minecraft group games and Magic the Gathering and much much more!

Fall 2011 Pix

For the Spring 2012 gathering, we will be meeting at a new location!  We're sad to leave behind our beloved Roan Mountain but things change and we evolve and move on.

Spring 2011 ARGH

For the Spring 2011 gathering we tried something new, we added a Saturday night to the event.  This made the costs a bit higher so we had a smaller turn out but we still had an amazing time.  There were lots of games of Magic the Gathering, Crafty things for sale at the ARGHpreneur shop, tons of temporary tattoos, Nerf shield making, teens playing in the kiddie corner with toy animals ;), hanging out in cabins, potlucking, workshops of all kinds, a cabin concert, the talent show, and the dance...just to name a few of the wonderful things we do together at ARGH!!

Spring 2011 Pix